Paper No. 6770 Dated 26- Mar-2021
By Kazi Anwarul Masud:
Frantz Fanon a Marxist who had joined the Algerian independence warwrote about the prejudice of, what he called, the "colonial alienationof the person" as a mental health issue. In The Wretched of theEarth (French: Les Damnés de la Terre), published in 1961, Fanonanalyzed how French colonization and the carnage of the Algerian Warhad mentally affected Algerians' self-identity and mental health.Fanon argued that the colonial psyche was fractured by the lack ofmental and material homogeneity as a result of the colonial power'sWestern culture being pressured onto the colonized population despitethe existing material differences between them. Duringthe period of European colonial rule in India, Europeans in Indiatypically regarded many aspects of Indian culture with disdain andsupported the colonial rule as a beneficial "civilizing missionbeneficial to the people of India, rather than a process of politicaland economic dominance by a small minority of foreigners. Albeitunder colonial rule, many practices were outlawed, such as thepractice of forcing widows to immolate themselves (known as sati).Colonel Sir William Sleeman when Lord William Bentinck wasGovernor-General of India was instrumental in suppressing the Thugswho idolized Maa Kali and used to rob people of their belongings. Thepractice and was discouraged by Evangelical missionaries claimed bysome scholars to have played a significant role in the development ofthe modern definition of Hinduism. These claims based theirassumptions on the lack of a unified Hindu identity prior to theperiod of colonial rule. Hindu nationalism developed in the 19thcentury as an internalization of European ideological prominence; withlocal Indian elites aiming to make themselves and Indian societymodern by "emulating the West". This led to the emergence of what somehave termed 'neo-Hinduism': consisting of reformist rhetorictransforming Hindu tradition from above, disguised as a revivalistcall to return to the traditional practices of the faith. Reflectingthe same arguments made by Christian missionaries, who argued that themore superstitious elements of Hindu practice were responsible forcorrupting the potential rational philosophy of the faith. Somecritics have claimed that Rudyard Kipling's portrayals of Indiancharacters supported the view that colonized people were incapable ofliving without the help of Europeans as racist. In his famous poem"The White Man's Burden", Kipling argued for this point byromanticizing the "civilizing mission" in non-Western countries.Similar sentiments appeared in Kipling's other works, such as hischaracterization of the Second Boer War as a "white man's war" alongwith his presentation of 'whiteness' as a morally and culturallysuperior trait of the West. His portrayal of Indians in his JungleBook stories has also been criticized as example of the chauvinisticinfantilization of colonized peoples in popular culture. Somehistorians claim that Kipling's works have contributed towards thedevelopment of a colonial mentality in the ways that the colonizedpeople in these fictional narratives are made submissive to anddependent on their white rulers. Individuals of Indian descent whoadopt European culture have sometimes been labeled as "Macaulay'sChildren". The term usually used in a derogatory fashion derived from19th-century historian, politician, and colonial administrator ThomasMacaulay, who instituted the system of Macaulayism, replacing Indianlanguages and dialects with English as the official medium ofinstruction in Indian educational institutions. The consequences ofthis educational policy can still be felt in present-day India, wherethe use of English, as opposed to Hindi, still carries with it a levelof superiority. Nationalist politicians have campaigned and pushedforward policy changes to promote the official usage of Hindi ineducation and media over English, which was protested against in thesouth of India as the imposition of Hindi upon non-Hindi speakers.Contrarily Joseph Conrad in Heart of Darkness narrates throughMarlow’s story that Darkness takes place in the Belgian Congo, themost notorious European colony in Africa because of the Belgiancolonizers' immense greed and brutal treatment of the native people.In its depiction of the monstrous wastefulness and casual cruelty ofthe colonial agents toward the African native's Heart of Darknessreveals the utter hypocrisy of the entire colonial rule. In Europe,colonization of Africa was justified on the grounds that not onlywould it bring wealth to Europe, it would also civilize and educatethe "savage” natives. Heart of Darkness shows that in practice theEuropean colonizers used the high ideals of colonization as a cover toallow them to viciously rip whatever wealth they could from “savages”who remained to be “civilized”. Unlike most novels that focus onthe evils of colonialism, Heart of Darkness pays more attention to thedamage that colonization does to the souls of white colonizers than itdoes to the physical death and devastation unleashed on the blacknatives. Though this focus on the white colonizers makes the booksomewhat unbalanced, it does allow Heart of Darkness to extend itscriticism of colonialism all the way back to its corrupt source, the"civilization" of Europe. Allied is the term“American imperialism” that refers to the economic, military, andcultural influence of the United States internationally Americanimperialism is partly based on American exceptionalism, the idea thatthe United States is different from other countries because of itsspecific world mission to spread liberty and democracy. One ofthe most notable instances of American imperialism was the annexationof Hawaii in 1898, which allowed the United States to gain possessionand control of all ports, buildings, harbors, military equipment, andpublic property that had belonged to the Government of the HawaiianIslands. Some groups, such as the American Anti-ImperialistLeague, opposed imperialism on the grounds that it conflicted with theAmerican ideal of Republicans and the “consent of the governed.” Thencame the use of the term: Social Darwinism, an ideology thatseeks to apply biological concepts of Darwinism or evolutionary theoryto sociology and politics, often under the assumption that conflictbetween social groups leads to social progress, as superior groupssurpass inferior ones. Also popular was the term “AmericanExceptionalism”-a belief, central to American political culture sincethe Revolution, that Americans have a unique mission among nations tospread freedom and democracy. Close by was the term “ AmericanImperialism” which referred to the economic, military, and culturalinfluence of the United States on other countries. Expansion andPower and to the economic, military, and cultural influence of theUnited States on other countries. The advent of industrializationcaused American businessmen to seek new international markets in whichto sell their goods. In addition, the increasing influence of socialDarwinism led to the belief that the United States was inherentlyresponsible for bringing concepts such as industry, democracy, andChristianity to less developed “savage” societies. The combination ofthese attitudes and other factors led the United States towardimperialism American imperialism is partly rooted in Americanexceptionalism, the idea that the United States is different fromother countries due to its specific world mission to spread libertyand democracy. This theory often is traced back to the words of 1800sFrench observer Alexis de Tocqueville, who concluded that the UnitedStates was a unique nation, “proceeding along a path to which no limitcan be perceived.” Pinpointing the actual beginning of Americanimperialism is difficult. Some historians suggest that it began withthe writing of the Constitution; some would like to trace the imperialbehavior of the United States to the Louisiana Purchase. Criticsdescribe this event as an, “aggressive encroachment of one people uponthe territory of another, resulting in the subjugation of that peopleto alien rule.” They refer to the U.S. policies toward NativeAmericans, as “designed to remold them into a people moreappropriately conformed to imperial desires.”Whatever its origins, American imperialism experienced its pinnaclefrom the late 1800s through the years following World War II. Duringthis “Age of Imperialism,” the United States exerted political,social, and economic control over countries such as the Philippines,Cuba, Germany, Austria, Korea, and Japan. One of the most notableexamples of American imperialism in this age was the annexation ofHawaii in 1898, which allowed the United States to gain possession andcontrol of all ports, buildings, harbors, military equipment, andpublic property that had formally belonged to the Government of theHawaiian Islands. This action resulted in Hawaii’s becoming America’s50th state in 1959. The American Anti-Imperialist Leagueopposed the annexation on the ground that imperialism violated thecredo of republicanism, especially the need for “consent of thegoverned.” They did not oppose expansion on commercial,constitutional, religious, or humanitarian grounds; rather, theybelieved that the annexation and administration of third-worldtropical areas would mean the abandonment of American ideals ofself-government and isolation—ideals expressed in the U.S. Declarationof Independence, George Washington‘s Farewell Address, and AbrahamLincoln‘s Gettysburg Address. The Spanish-American War was the resultof American intervention in the ongoing Cuban War of Independence withSpain. The war served to further repair relations between theAmerican North and South. The war gave both sides a common enemy forthe first time since the end of the Civil War in 1865, and manyfriendships were formed between soldiers of Northern and Southernstates during their tours of duty. The war marked American entryinto world affairs. Since then, the United States has had asignificant hand in various conflicts around the world. An example wasthe Treaty of Paris, negotiated on terms favorable to theUnited States. The Spanish-American War marked American entry intoworld affairs. Before the Spanish-American War, the United States wascharacterized by isolationism, an approach to foreign policy thatasserts that a nation’s interests are best served by keeping theaffairs of other countries at a distance. Since the Spanish-AmericanWar, the United States has had a significant hand in various conflictsaround the world. The war redefined national identity, served as asolution of sorts to the social divisions plaguing the American mind,and provided a model for all future news reporting. Joseph Conrad inhis book Heart of Darkness expresses his skepticism aboutimperialism. Set in Central Africa Conrad and presents “aruthlessly ironic view of European colonialism and the pretension ofcivilization” The narrative fully developed in Heart of Darkness, theplot of which is set in Africa offers an exceptionally ironicview of European imperialism and trading practices. Accordingto some a partial explanation of Conrad’s skepticism about imperialismis to be found in his Polish upbringing. After experiencing thepartition of his home country between Russia, Prussia and Austria,Conrad had a good reason to question the right of great powers tosubmit smaller countries to their will. Another answer lies in thefact that Conrad had himself traveled in Africa where he experiencedthe “rapacity and brutality of Europeans” exploiting the Continent. Itis no surprise that criticism of the European civilization appears inHeart of Darkness where again the impact of individuals isolatedfrom their social system shows the inability of European civilizationto protect its individuals from corruption. In much of his, workConrad expresses his skepticism about imperialism. For example, “AnOutpost of Progress” is set in Central Africa and presents “aruthlessly ironic view of European colonialism and the pretension ofcivilization” After experiencing the partition of his home countrybetween Russia, Prussia, and Austria, Conrad had a good reason toquestion the right of great powers to submit smaller countries totheir will. Another answer lies in the fact that Conrad had himselftraveled in Africa where he experienced the “rapacity and brutality ofEuropeans” exploiting the Continent. Criticism of the Europeancivilization appears in “An Outpost of Progress” when thecharacters, isolated from the conventions and institutions of their‘civilized’ world, reveal the hollowness that lies at its core.This theme reappears in Heart of Darkness where again the impactof individuals isolated from their social system shows the inabilityof European civilization to protect its individuals from corruption.The relevance of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness to the twentieth andtwenty-first centuries is apparent in the allusions to the story inmedia and in culture in general. Can one then argue that Conrad wasnot far from his central premise that the British who had come toIndia for trading managed to stay on because the Mughals failed tounderstand the British concept of grasping political power from afragmented majority Hindu population? The final nail in the coffin wasput by Emperor Aurangajeb by his foolish taxation policy imposed onthe majority yet fragmented Hindu populace.